National FFA Convention is one of my top favorite times of the year and it just so happens to be coming up in 24 days! We are taking 4 people from my school and 2 of the other 3 are pretty good friends of mine. The other one is I guess what you would call a "dork" and she talks all the time but she really isn't that bad as long as she's not talking...haha. All 4 of us are in the same Ag. class and we have a count-down on the board. We are all super excited for National Convention! It might be because we are going to see Taylor Swift in concert or it maybe going to the Indianpolis Zoo or seeing the new Indianapolis Colts
stadium (GO COLTS!!) for some people but for me it is definately going to be seeing and hanging out with some of my FFA friends from other schools (along with Taylor Swift, they are both pretty close). Last year when we were there, we stayed in the Crowne Plaza (I think that's the name, if not it's something close) and it had an actual train in it. They had turned the train cars into hotel rooms that you could actually stay in!
It was pretty awesome but this year we are staying at the Mariott which is connected to the convention center where most of the stuff is. I am also really excited to go in Lucas Oil Stadium! The Colts are my favorite NFL team and I watch their games almost every week. As you can probably tell, I cannot wait for the 24 days to be up....still counting!